Corbin's half-birthday was today! He is officially 6 months old. Wow. He has changed SO much since he was born it is ridiculous. I mean...this guy is moving around on his own (via rolling, scooting, pulling himself), he is eating solid food, he has a hilarious personality, and he is learning things from us! Evans taught him how to "high five". For some reason Corbin likes to slap his hand on stuff repeatedly so Evans started holding his hand out for Corbin to slap and he says "high five!". Now, when Evans holds his hand out, Corbin will "high five" him! I also showed him how to hit a spatula on a plastic bowl to make a sound and he picked that up right away. It amazes me that he can learn things so quickly now!
The only thing we wish he could learn a little faster is crawling. He is a very curious kid and I think he would get a kick out of exploring the house once he knows how to crawl. He gets bored very easily and although we have a trunk full of toys for him he is ecstatic over simple "new" things like a spatula or a cup or a piece of paper to play with.
One unfortunate thing is he has been teething for a very long time. I can see his two bottom teeth are ready to come in but its been almost a month and they are still not out! Also, he has been waking up throughout the night to eat again. He used to sleep 13 hours straight until he hit the 5-month mark. Now he wakes up 1-2 times a night to eat. Not so fun for me! I seem to be handling it OK though.
On my side of things, I've been working out a lot. I hired a trainer who was a mom in our birthing group. She is awesome. I'm wearing my pre-pregnancy pants finally! I'm also much stronger than I used to be and I can carry around my heavy baby like it ain't no thang!
The holidays are approaching! Thanksgiving at Alan's house is tomorrow. I'm going to bake my first pie from scratch (pumpkin). Also, I think Christmas this year will be fun since it will be Corbin's first Christmas and he will get some new toys and things to play with.
I'm really looking forward to New Years Eve. We are going to have our traditional NYE bash! It's gonna be so fun I can't wait. We are going to move Corbin's crib into our walk-in closet and drape blankets along the walls to soundproof it. This will be the first party at our house since Evans's birthday. It is long overdue!
Well - I'm going to celebrate Corbin's birthday by watching some TV and drinking a cocktail. It is as much a celebration for me since I successfully raised a baby (and breastfed) up to this point. I think I deserve it, right??
Oh, and here is your obligatory Corbin photo:
OMG - he's standing on his own! Haha...not really. Our friend Anne-Marie is an amazing photographer and took this photo with her awesome camera. Evans let go of Corbin for a split second while he was being held in the standing position. Corbin does not look amused. :)