Corbin's half-birthday was today! He is officially 6 months old. Wow. He has changed SO much since he was born it is ridiculous. I mean...this guy is moving around on his own (via rolling, scooting, pulling himself), he is eating solid food, he has a hilarious personality, and he is learning things from us! Evans taught him how to "high five". For some reason Corbin likes to slap his hand on stuff repeatedly so Evans started holding his hand out for Corbin to slap and he says "high five!". Now, when Evans holds his hand out, Corbin will "high five" him! I also showed him how to hit a spatula on a plastic bowl to make a sound and he picked that up right away. It amazes me that he can learn things so quickly now!
The only thing we wish he could learn a little faster is crawling. He is a very curious kid and I think he would get a kick out of exploring the house once he knows how to crawl. He gets bored very easily and although we have a trunk full of toys for him he is ecstatic over simple "new" things like a spatula or a cup or a piece of paper to play with.
One unfortunate thing is he has been teething for a very long time. I can see his two bottom teeth are ready to come in but its been almost a month and they are still not out! Also, he has been waking up throughout the night to eat again. He used to sleep 13 hours straight until he hit the 5-month mark. Now he wakes up 1-2 times a night to eat. Not so fun for me! I seem to be handling it OK though.
On my side of things, I've been working out a lot. I hired a trainer who was a mom in our birthing group. She is awesome. I'm wearing my pre-pregnancy pants finally! I'm also much stronger than I used to be and I can carry around my heavy baby like it ain't no thang!
The holidays are approaching! Thanksgiving at Alan's house is tomorrow. I'm going to bake my first pie from scratch (pumpkin). Also, I think Christmas this year will be fun since it will be Corbin's first Christmas and he will get some new toys and things to play with.
I'm really looking forward to New Years Eve. We are going to have our traditional NYE bash! It's gonna be so fun I can't wait. We are going to move Corbin's crib into our walk-in closet and drape blankets along the walls to soundproof it. This will be the first party at our house since Evans's birthday. It is long overdue!
Well - I'm going to celebrate Corbin's birthday by watching some TV and drinking a cocktail. It is as much a celebration for me since I successfully raised a baby (and breastfed) up to this point. I think I deserve it, right??
Oh, and here is your obligatory Corbin photo:
OMG - he's standing on his own! Haha...not really. Our friend Anne-Marie is an amazing photographer and took this photo with her awesome camera. Evans let go of Corbin for a split second while he was being held in the standing position. Corbin does not look amused. :)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Corbin's first flight!
Corbin had his first flight on a plane this last week. We flew to the Outer Banks, North Carolina for a family vacation with Evans's sister and her husband. Corbin did really well on the way there. We had a great time! We rented a beachfront condo. Unfortunately, it rained most of the time we were there, but we made the most of it regardless. Traveling with a baby is really different. There were lots of things we couldn't do that we would have normally done as just a couple. But at the same time, it was fun to see how Corbin reacted to new sights like the beach, the aquarium, the RAIN! Also - Corbin got to be outside almost every day which we haven't done in Texas since its been so freaking hot! So, the flight on the way back wasn't so fact it was a nightmare. He screamed hysterically. It was our fault, we booked the flight to leave right at his bedtime. He was arching his back and tensing up and just exploded with anger. Everyone was looking at me like I was either a) torturing him, or b) hated me for bringing a crying infant on board. Luckily he quieted down once the plane took off and eventually fell asleep.
My lil baby-man turned 4 months old while we were there. He's a big boy now! He is wearing mostly 6-month sizes. We think he may be teething too. Lots and lost of drool, and he is constantly chewing on his hand. He seems really interested in our food, so I'm going to ask the doctor if we can start introducing him to solids at his 4-month appointment this Friday. Other cool things this baby can do: he can sit up on his own for about 15 seconds without being propped up or anything, he loves to stand up and can stand holding onto something for a short while by himself, he talks all the time and laughs at little things...and he sleeps very well.
Corbin is turning into a charming little boy!
Here is a photo I took of him in his Robot PJs that auntie Crystal got him!
My lil baby-man turned 4 months old while we were there. He's a big boy now! He is wearing mostly 6-month sizes. We think he may be teething too. Lots and lost of drool, and he is constantly chewing on his hand. He seems really interested in our food, so I'm going to ask the doctor if we can start introducing him to solids at his 4-month appointment this Friday. Other cool things this baby can do: he can sit up on his own for about 15 seconds without being propped up or anything, he loves to stand up and can stand holding onto something for a short while by himself, he talks all the time and laughs at little things...and he sleeps very well.
Corbin is turning into a charming little boy!
Here is a photo I took of him in his Robot PJs that auntie Crystal got him!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Life with a 3-month-old
Man, babies grow so fast!! It's crazy! Corbin is a little person now with his own personality and everything. It's adorable! Evans and I comment how cute he is at least 10 times a day. Our little dude is a big boy too. Last I checked on my scale at home he was about 15 pounds.
In order to keep up with being able to carry this guy around Evans and I have been exercising and trying to exercise every day. We are our own personal trainers. It's been going pretty well and I think I'm ramping up well enough to be able to start jogging in the Fall once Corbin is old enough to jog with in a jogging stroller (BOB Revolution, I have my eyes on you!). I haven't been able to do too much exercise because I have Diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles) from pregnancy which totally sucks. There's not much you can do to heal it other than let it heal on its own. Luckily its not too wide and its pretty shallow. I've also been eating healthier and so far I've lost 7 pounds since the beginning of July. I'm 9 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight!
I turned 30 years old on August 11th. I had a great birthday! Corbin slept in late, and I woke up to breakfast in bed (waffles and bacon) made by my wonderful husband, a bouquet of roses, and my favorite chocolate. I was kinda depressed since Evans was supposed to work that day and I didn't want to be home alone, but he ended up calling in sick to cheer me up. We went to lunch with my mother-in-law and hung out all day and had a really nice time. The next day, we got Evans's cousin to babysit and went out dancing downtown! That was my first time out dancing since before I got pregnant, and it was super fun.
Ok, so less about me and more about Corbin. Corbin is 3 months old tomorrow! He is growing, growing, growing. He's already almost fitting into some 6 month clothes. Here are some of the new things he has learned:
1. He laughs! He has the cutest little laugh. The first time we heard it he was laughing at Evans making faces at him in the car. It was super cute. We heard a few giggles since then but haven't been able to catch it on video quite yet.
2. He can roll-over! He rolls over from his belly to his back, and also can roll from his back to his side. This is a relief because he hated tummy time for the longest time so I thought he would be behind on some of these milestones, but he is able to tolerate it now.
3. He can reach and grab toys. When he grabs them, his first reaction is to stick them in his mouth.
4. He sucks his thumb. He started doing this on his own and it is pretty cute. He can put himself to sleep this way without much help from us. I'm glad that he has found a way to self-soothe. It will be very helpful when we start sleep training in one month. I do want to be careful not to let him do this too often though because thumb-sucking is what ruined my teeth and I ended up having to get braces.
5. He is sleeping without a swaddle. He actually sleeps really well without it too. I was worried that the lack of a swaddle would shorten his sleep stretches, but they have been the same (first stretch is 6 or 7 hours).
6. He talks A LOT. He babbles all day long. He talks to me and Evans, and also babbles at his toys, the ceiling fan, and even the bird poop on the window in the car.
We are taking Corbin on his first 2 vacations in the next several weeks. We'll be going to Surfside Beach in Texas for a weekend with some friends. Then we're heading to the Outer Banks in North Carolina for a week in September and renting a beach house with Evans's sister and her husband. This will be Corbin's first time on a plane. My fingers are crossed that it will all go well.
And to leave you all with the cuteness I've been speaking of, here's a recent pic of Corbin with his giraffe toy (he put the toy on his shoulder and let it hang out there):
In order to keep up with being able to carry this guy around Evans and I have been exercising and trying to exercise every day. We are our own personal trainers. It's been going pretty well and I think I'm ramping up well enough to be able to start jogging in the Fall once Corbin is old enough to jog with in a jogging stroller (BOB Revolution, I have my eyes on you!). I haven't been able to do too much exercise because I have Diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles) from pregnancy which totally sucks. There's not much you can do to heal it other than let it heal on its own. Luckily its not too wide and its pretty shallow. I've also been eating healthier and so far I've lost 7 pounds since the beginning of July. I'm 9 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight!
I turned 30 years old on August 11th. I had a great birthday! Corbin slept in late, and I woke up to breakfast in bed (waffles and bacon) made by my wonderful husband, a bouquet of roses, and my favorite chocolate. I was kinda depressed since Evans was supposed to work that day and I didn't want to be home alone, but he ended up calling in sick to cheer me up. We went to lunch with my mother-in-law and hung out all day and had a really nice time. The next day, we got Evans's cousin to babysit and went out dancing downtown! That was my first time out dancing since before I got pregnant, and it was super fun.
Ok, so less about me and more about Corbin. Corbin is 3 months old tomorrow! He is growing, growing, growing. He's already almost fitting into some 6 month clothes. Here are some of the new things he has learned:
1. He laughs! He has the cutest little laugh. The first time we heard it he was laughing at Evans making faces at him in the car. It was super cute. We heard a few giggles since then but haven't been able to catch it on video quite yet.
2. He can roll-over! He rolls over from his belly to his back, and also can roll from his back to his side. This is a relief because he hated tummy time for the longest time so I thought he would be behind on some of these milestones, but he is able to tolerate it now.
3. He can reach and grab toys. When he grabs them, his first reaction is to stick them in his mouth.
4. He sucks his thumb. He started doing this on his own and it is pretty cute. He can put himself to sleep this way without much help from us. I'm glad that he has found a way to self-soothe. It will be very helpful when we start sleep training in one month. I do want to be careful not to let him do this too often though because thumb-sucking is what ruined my teeth and I ended up having to get braces.
5. He is sleeping without a swaddle. He actually sleeps really well without it too. I was worried that the lack of a swaddle would shorten his sleep stretches, but they have been the same (first stretch is 6 or 7 hours).
6. He talks A LOT. He babbles all day long. He talks to me and Evans, and also babbles at his toys, the ceiling fan, and even the bird poop on the window in the car.
We are taking Corbin on his first 2 vacations in the next several weeks. We'll be going to Surfside Beach in Texas for a weekend with some friends. Then we're heading to the Outer Banks in North Carolina for a week in September and renting a beach house with Evans's sister and her husband. This will be Corbin's first time on a plane. My fingers are crossed that it will all go well.
And to leave you all with the cuteness I've been speaking of, here's a recent pic of Corbin with his giraffe toy (he put the toy on his shoulder and let it hang out there):
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From August 22, 2011 |
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
A multipass into my life - all about CORBIN!!
Corbin will be 2 months old next week and he has been amazing me with all the new baby things he is doing. Here are the 10 latest updates on my sweet little boy:
1. Corbin smiles! He smiles at people when they talk to him - its super cute!
2. Corbin "talks"! He has been coo'ing for a while but these last few days he actually talks back to you when you talk to him. For instance, if you say "ah-gooooo" to him (his favorite word) he says "ah-gooooo" back! It's super cute because he looks into your eyes when he says it like he is communicating with you!!
3. Corbin is HUGE! He weighs somewhere around 12 pounds and he has grown tremendously. He is already wearing 3-month sizes!
4. Corbin SLEEPS AT NIGHT! This one is my favorite. He has been sleeping from about 8:30pm-7am every night. He does wake up once or twice for a feeding but for the most part he is knocked out. I've even been getting consistent 5-hour blocks of sleep. I'm knocking on wood right now but this is amazing for me.
5. Corbin eats A LOT during the day! Although he sleeps most of the night, during the day he has been eating a lot - like every 2 hours still for 20-30 minutes (sometimes an hour). I'm wondering if this is my payback for sleeping at night - but if it is, I'll take it!
6. Corbin is a very social little boy - he loves seeing new faces and smiling at them. He especially loves his grandmas! He likes it when they talk to him. :)
7. Corbin's favorite toy is a playmat with a star that has lights and plays music. He smiles so huge and kicks around in excitement whenever we lay him down on it.
8. Corbin loves to sit up - and HATES to lay down when he is awake. This may have something to do with reflux.
9. Corbin can "stand" for a minute or two with assistance. He will tense up his whole body as well as his legs and we will prop him up and let him "stand". I'm wondering if he'll be walking before crawling.
10. Corbin doesn't like tummy time at all. This is his least favorite activity. I'm not too concerned since he is sitting and holding his head up on his own most of the time.
OK - I feel like your stereotypical bragging mom but I'm so proud of my son! He amazes me more and more every day and I love him sooooo much!
On an update of me - I'm doing pretty great these days. My mom is here to help me for the month of July and I am very grateful. I'm going to start working again next week with my easy work-from-home job to make some side-cash to buy a BOB Revolution stroller. I've been getting out of the house quite a bit with my lil' bub in tow - or with the grandmas babysitting. Evans and I have been on a date and I plan on going on a girls night out this Friday. I feel like I can have my cake and eat it too! I hate how hot it is though and can't wait for it to get cooler so I can do more activities outside. I feel really bad bringing Corbin outside because he sweats so much and then has to make up for it by eating too much afterwards to rehydrate.
Well - that is pretty much all that has been going on here. I'm looking forward to getting out more with friends now that I feel comfortable with the grandmas babysitting. Let me know if you wanna go out!!
1. Corbin smiles! He smiles at people when they talk to him - its super cute!
2. Corbin "talks"! He has been coo'ing for a while but these last few days he actually talks back to you when you talk to him. For instance, if you say "ah-gooooo" to him (his favorite word) he says "ah-gooooo" back! It's super cute because he looks into your eyes when he says it like he is communicating with you!!
3. Corbin is HUGE! He weighs somewhere around 12 pounds and he has grown tremendously. He is already wearing 3-month sizes!
4. Corbin SLEEPS AT NIGHT! This one is my favorite. He has been sleeping from about 8:30pm-7am every night. He does wake up once or twice for a feeding but for the most part he is knocked out. I've even been getting consistent 5-hour blocks of sleep. I'm knocking on wood right now but this is amazing for me.
5. Corbin eats A LOT during the day! Although he sleeps most of the night, during the day he has been eating a lot - like every 2 hours still for 20-30 minutes (sometimes an hour). I'm wondering if this is my payback for sleeping at night - but if it is, I'll take it!
6. Corbin is a very social little boy - he loves seeing new faces and smiling at them. He especially loves his grandmas! He likes it when they talk to him. :)
7. Corbin's favorite toy is a playmat with a star that has lights and plays music. He smiles so huge and kicks around in excitement whenever we lay him down on it.
8. Corbin loves to sit up - and HATES to lay down when he is awake. This may have something to do with reflux.
9. Corbin can "stand" for a minute or two with assistance. He will tense up his whole body as well as his legs and we will prop him up and let him "stand". I'm wondering if he'll be walking before crawling.
10. Corbin doesn't like tummy time at all. This is his least favorite activity. I'm not too concerned since he is sitting and holding his head up on his own most of the time.
OK - I feel like your stereotypical bragging mom but I'm so proud of my son! He amazes me more and more every day and I love him sooooo much!
On an update of me - I'm doing pretty great these days. My mom is here to help me for the month of July and I am very grateful. I'm going to start working again next week with my easy work-from-home job to make some side-cash to buy a BOB Revolution stroller. I've been getting out of the house quite a bit with my lil' bub in tow - or with the grandmas babysitting. Evans and I have been on a date and I plan on going on a girls night out this Friday. I feel like I can have my cake and eat it too! I hate how hot it is though and can't wait for it to get cooler so I can do more activities outside. I feel really bad bringing Corbin outside because he sweats so much and then has to make up for it by eating too much afterwards to rehydrate.
Well - that is pretty much all that has been going on here. I'm looking forward to getting out more with friends now that I feel comfortable with the grandmas babysitting. Let me know if you wanna go out!!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Corbin Evans Tucker
It's taken me a while to update my blog but that's because I have my own lil' slave driver to tend to! Corbin Evans Tucker was born on May 23rd at 3:21pm. He was 8 pounds 4 ounces and 20.5 inches long! A big adorable lil' slave driver :).
On Sunday, May 22nd I noticed I was having contractions unlike the previous false labor contractions I had. These contractions were noticeably in my lower back. I suspected labor was on its way, but they never got regular or stronger the entire day. We decided to go about our day and I ignored them for the most part. They weren't so painful. We went grocery shopping and stocked up just in case. Then, our friends Jeremy, Jessica and Rachel came over for dinner and we had a potluck BBQ. We had a great time!
We went to sleep and throughout the night I was having dreams where I'd have a painful contraction. At one point, I woke up and realized these contractions weren't just in my dreams. At 4:45am I realized they were actually quite painful and I couldn't walk through them anymore. I woke up Evans and we timed them. They were around 5 minutes apart! We were told to call in once they got to that point, so we called the after hours emergency line to the birthing center and talked to the midwife on call. She told us to go ahead and try to labor at home for a while and to call her once they got closer to 3 minutes apart. Man, were they getting more and more painful! I was sure that I must be approaching transition or something because there was no way that the contractions could get anymore painful. Boy, was I WRONG! They got closer to 3 mins apart pretty quick, within a few hours, so Evans called it in. The midwife told us to go ahead and pack up and head over.
The car ride to the birthing center was the most miserable car ride of my life! Every bump in the road caused so much pain. Evans did a great job driving as carefully as possible, but it was 7am on a Monday morning and there was traffic so it was a bit of a challenge.
Once we got to the birthing center, the midwife checked me and confirmed I was in active labor so I was admitted! I got to pick the room I wanted to give birth in. I picked this room called the Barcelona room that was decorated with really nice furniture and paintings. The room was huge! It had a king sized bed, a large jet tub, its own bathroom and shower, a kitchen table, a rocking chair, and a baby bassinet. Meanwhile, the contractions were getting more and more painful...
Let me just say, natural childbirth is no joke. It is the most difficult thing I have ever done in my entire life, and probably will ever do. I had back labor which was so horrifying I cannot explain the pain. Corbin was in a position where he was pushing off my back during contractions. There were times where I was cursing myself for not being at a hospital where I could get an epidural. There were also times where I was secretly wishing a complication would arise so they could send me to the hospital and I could get a C-section. Somehow, though, I survived and I was strong enough not to give up - not like I COULD give up - but I listened to the midwives and did what they said to get things moving along.
Evans was my water boy the whole time. The pain was so bad I didn't want him touching me even though he was trying to be nice and give me back massages. So, instead, he caught on that I wanted to drink water after every contraction and had the cup and straw waiting for me. He was definitely a trooper and was very patient.
Finally, the time came where Corbin was to be born! I ended up in the bath tub because the warm water helped me relax in between contractions. I originally didn't want a water bath, but I couldn't see myself getting out of the tub once I was in it. Suddenly, a group of birthing assistants were surrounding me! Let me just say, towards the end I felt like I was not in this world. I felt like all these things were happening around me and I was separated from them. It was really weird. Anyway - the midwives instructed me on what to do to get the baby out. I listened, and Corbin was born after 15 minutes of pushing! He had his cord wrapped loosely around his neck, so they unwrapped it. He pooped on me twice in the process :). Evans and I were both relieved that the labor was over and our boy was here!
We hung out adoring our baby boy for 6 hours at the birthing center while the staff checked on us to make sure we were doing OK. I had such an adrenaline rush after the birth I was full of energy and extremely happy. The pain I went through to get there didn't matter anymore. I was starving so I ate some granola bars, trail mix, and tacos that Evans bought previously from Taco Deli while we hung out in the room.
Finally, it was time for us to go! At 9:30pm the same day, 6 hours after giving birth, we packed up our stuff and our baby and hit the road for home! It was so nice to be able to come home after that long ordeal. One of the perks of natural birth at a birthing center!
Corbin will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. I can't believe how fast time flies! The last two weeks seem to have been one long day since all the days have blurred together. I will be really sad when Evans has to go back to work. He has been so helpful with the baby - changing him and burping him and "farting" him to get him to calm down. My parents were also in town and they cleaned and cooked for us while they were here and bought us groceries. They watched Corbin to let us nap and that was really nice. We have also had lots of meals brought to us from Evans's mom, Corbin's Uncle Alan and Aunt Melissa, Evans's cousin Sara, and Jeremy and Jessica. Andrea and Matt brought us a special bottle of Guaro from Costa Rica which looks tasty! We have many friends who are planning to bring us meals too. It is very generous and helpful of everyone to do that. Cooking is difficult with a baby!
All in all though, despite a few health complications I've had to deal with (mastitis is very painful!), we are doing great and we are learning more and more about our little guy each day. He makes us laugh and somehow gets cuter every day!
We will be posting all of our pics on Evans's Picasa so feel free to check out this link from time to time to see if any new ones are up:
On Sunday, May 22nd I noticed I was having contractions unlike the previous false labor contractions I had. These contractions were noticeably in my lower back. I suspected labor was on its way, but they never got regular or stronger the entire day. We decided to go about our day and I ignored them for the most part. They weren't so painful. We went grocery shopping and stocked up just in case. Then, our friends Jeremy, Jessica and Rachel came over for dinner and we had a potluck BBQ. We had a great time!
We went to sleep and throughout the night I was having dreams where I'd have a painful contraction. At one point, I woke up and realized these contractions weren't just in my dreams. At 4:45am I realized they were actually quite painful and I couldn't walk through them anymore. I woke up Evans and we timed them. They were around 5 minutes apart! We were told to call in once they got to that point, so we called the after hours emergency line to the birthing center and talked to the midwife on call. She told us to go ahead and try to labor at home for a while and to call her once they got closer to 3 minutes apart. Man, were they getting more and more painful! I was sure that I must be approaching transition or something because there was no way that the contractions could get anymore painful. Boy, was I WRONG! They got closer to 3 mins apart pretty quick, within a few hours, so Evans called it in. The midwife told us to go ahead and pack up and head over.
The car ride to the birthing center was the most miserable car ride of my life! Every bump in the road caused so much pain. Evans did a great job driving as carefully as possible, but it was 7am on a Monday morning and there was traffic so it was a bit of a challenge.
Once we got to the birthing center, the midwife checked me and confirmed I was in active labor so I was admitted! I got to pick the room I wanted to give birth in. I picked this room called the Barcelona room that was decorated with really nice furniture and paintings. The room was huge! It had a king sized bed, a large jet tub, its own bathroom and shower, a kitchen table, a rocking chair, and a baby bassinet. Meanwhile, the contractions were getting more and more painful...
Let me just say, natural childbirth is no joke. It is the most difficult thing I have ever done in my entire life, and probably will ever do. I had back labor which was so horrifying I cannot explain the pain. Corbin was in a position where he was pushing off my back during contractions. There were times where I was cursing myself for not being at a hospital where I could get an epidural. There were also times where I was secretly wishing a complication would arise so they could send me to the hospital and I could get a C-section. Somehow, though, I survived and I was strong enough not to give up - not like I COULD give up - but I listened to the midwives and did what they said to get things moving along.
Evans was my water boy the whole time. The pain was so bad I didn't want him touching me even though he was trying to be nice and give me back massages. So, instead, he caught on that I wanted to drink water after every contraction and had the cup and straw waiting for me. He was definitely a trooper and was very patient.
Finally, the time came where Corbin was to be born! I ended up in the bath tub because the warm water helped me relax in between contractions. I originally didn't want a water bath, but I couldn't see myself getting out of the tub once I was in it. Suddenly, a group of birthing assistants were surrounding me! Let me just say, towards the end I felt like I was not in this world. I felt like all these things were happening around me and I was separated from them. It was really weird. Anyway - the midwives instructed me on what to do to get the baby out. I listened, and Corbin was born after 15 minutes of pushing! He had his cord wrapped loosely around his neck, so they unwrapped it. He pooped on me twice in the process :). Evans and I were both relieved that the labor was over and our boy was here!
We hung out adoring our baby boy for 6 hours at the birthing center while the staff checked on us to make sure we were doing OK. I had such an adrenaline rush after the birth I was full of energy and extremely happy. The pain I went through to get there didn't matter anymore. I was starving so I ate some granola bars, trail mix, and tacos that Evans bought previously from Taco Deli while we hung out in the room.
Finally, it was time for us to go! At 9:30pm the same day, 6 hours after giving birth, we packed up our stuff and our baby and hit the road for home! It was so nice to be able to come home after that long ordeal. One of the perks of natural birth at a birthing center!
Corbin will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. I can't believe how fast time flies! The last two weeks seem to have been one long day since all the days have blurred together. I will be really sad when Evans has to go back to work. He has been so helpful with the baby - changing him and burping him and "farting" him to get him to calm down. My parents were also in town and they cleaned and cooked for us while they were here and bought us groceries. They watched Corbin to let us nap and that was really nice. We have also had lots of meals brought to us from Evans's mom, Corbin's Uncle Alan and Aunt Melissa, Evans's cousin Sara, and Jeremy and Jessica. Andrea and Matt brought us a special bottle of Guaro from Costa Rica which looks tasty! We have many friends who are planning to bring us meals too. It is very generous and helpful of everyone to do that. Cooking is difficult with a baby!
All in all though, despite a few health complications I've had to deal with (mastitis is very painful!), we are doing great and we are learning more and more about our little guy each day. He makes us laugh and somehow gets cuter every day!
We will be posting all of our pics on Evans's Picasa so feel free to check out this link from time to time to see if any new ones are up:
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The baby is spoiled already!
Last weekend we had our baby shower. There was a huge turnout! Around 40 people showed up...the majority of which was family. We had a lot of out-of-towners, including my mom from Cali and Evans's sis Luisa from NYC. It was great seeing everyone and I had an awesome time. The hostesses went all out and the party was beautiful. The theme was "garden party" and it was co-ed. There was a big spread of food, adorable decorations and a beautiful cake.
My friend Rachel brought a homemade pinata, which she calls a pregnata, shaped like a pregnant lady!! It was hilarious/awesome/amazing.
The pregnata was definitely one of the highlights of the party. The size of the belly was oddly very similar to mine!
The cake was delicious too. The flavor was coconut lime and it was decorated to go with the whole theme of the party.
Our little boy scored a bunch of loot. He is all set and has everything he needs and then some. We are very appreciative of everyone's generosity!
After the shower, my mom hung around for a few days and painted a mural on the nursery wall. It came out awesome! It is exactly what I wanted and she did a great job.
We just have to put up a shelf and we are done with the nursery! Once the nursery is complete, all I gotta do is wait for baby to make his grand entrance! Only 4 1/2 more weeks left till my due date. During that time I plan on doing lots of relaxing and swimming in the pool Evans bought me. It is above ground, 15 feet in diameter and 3.5 feet deep. Pool partayyy!!
My friend Rachel brought a homemade pinata, which she calls a pregnata, shaped like a pregnant lady!! It was hilarious/awesome/amazing.
From Baby Shower |
The cake was delicious too. The flavor was coconut lime and it was decorated to go with the whole theme of the party.
From Baby Shower |
Our little boy scored a bunch of loot. He is all set and has everything he needs and then some. We are very appreciative of everyone's generosity!
After the shower, my mom hung around for a few days and painted a mural on the nursery wall. It came out awesome! It is exactly what I wanted and she did a great job.
From Nursery Mural |
From Nursery Mural |
Monday, April 11, 2011
Never thought I'd say this, but nesting is a legit thing.
I always thought nesting, along with most other pregnancy symptoms, was made up and not a real thing. I thought maybe it was kind of psychosomatic, and that the desire that everyone say they have is really just excitement for the baby. Well, I have come to learn that this assumption is not true. It boggles my mind.
Here I am, living day to day with a lot of pain and exhaustion, and yet somehow my motivation to clean, organize and fix things around the house is extremely strong. I mean I can barely walk, get in/out of bed, get off of a chair without someone's help from all the pelvic pain I'm having. Yet, I'm somehow able to bear through the pain and tiredness to launder all of the sheets from our bed, launder sheets from guest bed, launder pillow cases on our sofa, organize the linen shelf, clean the dishes, reseal the grout in our shower, go grocery shopping, and put together my birthing bag in one day.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?! Now I'm hobbling around in MORE pain. Not to mention I did prenatal yoga this morning because I've been feeling so out of shape. I haven't exercised in a month because of all the pain I've been having and now all the sudden I have this strong urge to exercise AND clean/organize/fix things. The weird thing is I have no motivation/desire to do anything other than the things that involve my surroundings. Other tasks or things to do just stress me out and I cannot even think about doing them. But, for some reason all this "nesting" is relaxing to me and it makes me feel extremely happy! I am sooooo eager to clean the ENTIRE HOUSE and I mean scrub-the-floors-clean. I so badly want to wash all of the baby clothes but I'm holding back as much as possible because our baby shower is this weekend.
However, I need to take it down 1000 notches because seriously my body cannot handle it. I'm so exhausted from not being able to sleep at night. My lower back is killing me, my feet are killing me, I can hardly move my own legs. You should see me walking...I am SO SLOW. I waddle like a penguin. I feel like a granny!
Luckily, I have such an amazing husband who is gladly tackling all of the things on our to-do list that I cannot physically do myself (which is almost everything). I call it his honey-do list. He calls it his Slave Logbook. :) He has done two pages worth of tasks I wrote down for him involving the house and cars. He never complains and he has even picked up daily house chores like washing dishes and laundry when I am too exhausted to do it. He has taken over for me on all the favors asked of us from others in order to triage any potential stress away from me (I am normally happy to do favors for others but my growing belly/baby is hindering my ability to do them). He does all this on top of working full time and supporting us financially. I am very grateful for him and love him so so much! He is going to be a GREAT dad.
Here I am, living day to day with a lot of pain and exhaustion, and yet somehow my motivation to clean, organize and fix things around the house is extremely strong. I mean I can barely walk, get in/out of bed, get off of a chair without someone's help from all the pelvic pain I'm having. Yet, I'm somehow able to bear through the pain and tiredness to launder all of the sheets from our bed, launder sheets from guest bed, launder pillow cases on our sofa, organize the linen shelf, clean the dishes, reseal the grout in our shower, go grocery shopping, and put together my birthing bag in one day.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?! Now I'm hobbling around in MORE pain. Not to mention I did prenatal yoga this morning because I've been feeling so out of shape. I haven't exercised in a month because of all the pain I've been having and now all the sudden I have this strong urge to exercise AND clean/organize/fix things. The weird thing is I have no motivation/desire to do anything other than the things that involve my surroundings. Other tasks or things to do just stress me out and I cannot even think about doing them. But, for some reason all this "nesting" is relaxing to me and it makes me feel extremely happy! I am sooooo eager to clean the ENTIRE HOUSE and I mean scrub-the-floors-clean. I so badly want to wash all of the baby clothes but I'm holding back as much as possible because our baby shower is this weekend.
However, I need to take it down 1000 notches because seriously my body cannot handle it. I'm so exhausted from not being able to sleep at night. My lower back is killing me, my feet are killing me, I can hardly move my own legs. You should see me walking...I am SO SLOW. I waddle like a penguin. I feel like a granny!
Luckily, I have such an amazing husband who is gladly tackling all of the things on our to-do list that I cannot physically do myself (which is almost everything). I call it his honey-do list. He calls it his Slave Logbook. :) He has done two pages worth of tasks I wrote down for him involving the house and cars. He never complains and he has even picked up daily house chores like washing dishes and laundry when I am too exhausted to do it. He has taken over for me on all the favors asked of us from others in order to triage any potential stress away from me (I am normally happy to do favors for others but my growing belly/baby is hindering my ability to do them). He does all this on top of working full time and supporting us financially. I am very grateful for him and love him so so much! He is going to be a GREAT dad.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Trying to relax...
I'm finding that little things are stressing me out lately and I need to get the stress to stop!
Last weekend Evans and I went to Houston to visit family. We stayed in a poolside room (free upgrade!) at the Four Seasons and hung out with friends and family the whole weekend. It was originally going to be our babymoon, but since we ended up socializing the whole time there was not much time for us to spend on our own. For those who don't know what a babymoon is, its like a honeymoon, but for before you have your baby.
Unfortunately, the weekend was not all fun and games. I got really stressed out on that Saturday due to the whole planning nature of the trip and trying to make sure we did the things we wanted to do in addition to spending time with our peeps. While we were at the museum I kept getting waves of nausea and dizziness. Evans put two and two together and thought I may be having painless Braxton Hicks contractions. We realized that this was in fact the case. I had to hop from one bench to another while Evans looked at the exhibits. The contractions were coming too close together. We decided to leave and on our way back to the hotel the contractions were getting painful. I ended up having mildly painful contractions for about 5 hours. They were pretty frequent too, to the point where I should have gone to the hospital but I REALLY did not want to be in a hospital in Houston. I rested at our hotel, drank lots of water, and ate some food and eventually they went away.
I called the birthing center the following Monday and explained what happened. They believe the contractions were stress related and told me to practice relaxation techniques and eat lots of protein (since I was still feeling tired and lightheaded when I stood for more than 10 minutes). I followed their advice and did my best to relax this week. I haven't had anymore contractions since Sunday and I'm not feeling lightheaded anymore, just very tired when I walk around or do anything physical. I think I can attribute that to just being pregnant, but I feel like an old lady!! I walk like one too!!
Today we had our prenatal appointment and birthing class and yet another scary thing. My blood pressure was pretty high at 140/86. I was instructed to purchase a home blood pressure monitor, along with some relaxing herbs, magnesium and calcium supplements. I now need to monitor my blood pressure every day for the next three days and report to them what it is. It was lower when I got home, so I think I just react very strongly to any sort of stressful situation, no matter how mild it is. So now my goal is to try to relax as much as possible. Stress has caused me to have high blood pressure and contractions. The baby needs to cook at least a month longer, so I have to take relaxation very seriously. I'm going to practice meditating, doing yoga, and anything else I can think of to release any stress. I can't do anything that isn't considered relaxing, and I'm going to stay at home as much as possible since that's the place I'm most comfy.
On the plus side, baby is doing really great as far as they can tell and everytime they measure me I'm told he is measuring really good, even a bit ahead of where he is supposed to be. Good baby! I have also had two friends who had babies in the last week and I'm very excited for them! It's made me realize my time is coming soon!!
Last weekend Evans and I went to Houston to visit family. We stayed in a poolside room (free upgrade!) at the Four Seasons and hung out with friends and family the whole weekend. It was originally going to be our babymoon, but since we ended up socializing the whole time there was not much time for us to spend on our own. For those who don't know what a babymoon is, its like a honeymoon, but for before you have your baby.
Unfortunately, the weekend was not all fun and games. I got really stressed out on that Saturday due to the whole planning nature of the trip and trying to make sure we did the things we wanted to do in addition to spending time with our peeps. While we were at the museum I kept getting waves of nausea and dizziness. Evans put two and two together and thought I may be having painless Braxton Hicks contractions. We realized that this was in fact the case. I had to hop from one bench to another while Evans looked at the exhibits. The contractions were coming too close together. We decided to leave and on our way back to the hotel the contractions were getting painful. I ended up having mildly painful contractions for about 5 hours. They were pretty frequent too, to the point where I should have gone to the hospital but I REALLY did not want to be in a hospital in Houston. I rested at our hotel, drank lots of water, and ate some food and eventually they went away.
I called the birthing center the following Monday and explained what happened. They believe the contractions were stress related and told me to practice relaxation techniques and eat lots of protein (since I was still feeling tired and lightheaded when I stood for more than 10 minutes). I followed their advice and did my best to relax this week. I haven't had anymore contractions since Sunday and I'm not feeling lightheaded anymore, just very tired when I walk around or do anything physical. I think I can attribute that to just being pregnant, but I feel like an old lady!! I walk like one too!!
Today we had our prenatal appointment and birthing class and yet another scary thing. My blood pressure was pretty high at 140/86. I was instructed to purchase a home blood pressure monitor, along with some relaxing herbs, magnesium and calcium supplements. I now need to monitor my blood pressure every day for the next three days and report to them what it is. It was lower when I got home, so I think I just react very strongly to any sort of stressful situation, no matter how mild it is. So now my goal is to try to relax as much as possible. Stress has caused me to have high blood pressure and contractions. The baby needs to cook at least a month longer, so I have to take relaxation very seriously. I'm going to practice meditating, doing yoga, and anything else I can think of to release any stress. I can't do anything that isn't considered relaxing, and I'm going to stay at home as much as possible since that's the place I'm most comfy.
On the plus side, baby is doing really great as far as they can tell and everytime they measure me I'm told he is measuring really good, even a bit ahead of where he is supposed to be. Good baby! I have also had two friends who had babies in the last week and I'm very excited for them! It's made me realize my time is coming soon!!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Dropping babies or baby dropping?
About a week ago one morning I noticed that oddly my belly seemed much lower. I thought maybe I was imagining things but then Evans also noticed it without me even mentioning it. I've noticed that I feel a lot more pressure in my pelvis and I can feel the baby hiccup and punch in my pelvic area as well. I had suspicions that maybe the baby dropped. When a baby drops it means that the baby has descended further into the pelvis and that baby and the mother's body is getting ready for birth. Typically, women drop within 3 weeks of the date that they go into labor, but for some people it can happen earlier.
Well, today was our prenatal appointment and I confirmed with the midwife that he actually DID drop! I am only 30 weeks but dropping is not a sign of labor. She said its actually a good sign and that it means he has a good amount of room in the pelvis and is getting comfortable. He is in a good position (head down with this spine towards the side/front of my belly). I'm measuring right on target for my due date. I'm hoping that because he has dropped and he is head down he will stay that way and not turn breech.
At our birthing class we learned about all sorts of labor positions. They had us try all the positions with our partners and they were all very comfy! It makes me happy that we decided to give birth in a birthing center where they allow you to get in whatever position you want to have the baby.
After the birthing class, we had a combined baby shower with the other couples in our class. We have all become friends and have planned social events outside of our birthing class. They are all really cool people and we get along. It makes the birthing class that much more fun because everyone is so lighthearted and funny! Anyways, we sat around and talked, ate pizza, cake, etc. We had a white elephant gift exchange. I ended up with the gift of a bottle of wine and some earplugs! I also scored some used maternity clothes that some girls had brought in.
On a non-baby related note, Evans finally got the sailboat he has been obsessed about for the last 3-4 weeks. It is a very small 3-4 person boat that is in used but good condition. He doesn't know how to SAIL a sailboat, so he will need to bring along some more knowledgeable folks to the lake this summer. Because he got a sailboat, we needed a car to tow it, so we also bought a used truck. Its a pretty sweet truck but needs some minor repairs done to it. The truck is pretty small but I can fit a car seat into the back bench seat which is all I need really. Evans will be fixing and selling his Geo Metro.
That's all the big news for this week...quite a lot actually!
Well, today was our prenatal appointment and I confirmed with the midwife that he actually DID drop! I am only 30 weeks but dropping is not a sign of labor. She said its actually a good sign and that it means he has a good amount of room in the pelvis and is getting comfortable. He is in a good position (head down with this spine towards the side/front of my belly). I'm measuring right on target for my due date. I'm hoping that because he has dropped and he is head down he will stay that way and not turn breech.
At our birthing class we learned about all sorts of labor positions. They had us try all the positions with our partners and they were all very comfy! It makes me happy that we decided to give birth in a birthing center where they allow you to get in whatever position you want to have the baby.
After the birthing class, we had a combined baby shower with the other couples in our class. We have all become friends and have planned social events outside of our birthing class. They are all really cool people and we get along. It makes the birthing class that much more fun because everyone is so lighthearted and funny! Anyways, we sat around and talked, ate pizza, cake, etc. We had a white elephant gift exchange. I ended up with the gift of a bottle of wine and some earplugs! I also scored some used maternity clothes that some girls had brought in.
On a non-baby related note, Evans finally got the sailboat he has been obsessed about for the last 3-4 weeks. It is a very small 3-4 person boat that is in used but good condition. He doesn't know how to SAIL a sailboat, so he will need to bring along some more knowledgeable folks to the lake this summer. Because he got a sailboat, we needed a car to tow it, so we also bought a used truck. Its a pretty sweet truck but needs some minor repairs done to it. The truck is pretty small but I can fit a car seat into the back bench seat which is all I need really. Evans will be fixing and selling his Geo Metro.
That's all the big news for this week...quite a lot actually!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Time flies!
I can't believe its been a month since my last blog post. I'm almost 30 weeks preggo! That's insane! In a little over two months I'll have a freaking baby! Whoa...mind blown.
This pregnancy has been pretty good to me so far. I haven't gained too much weight and I'm right on target for my goal weight gain for the most part (give or take a couple pounds). I didn't have too much nausea or other weird side effects. I have had some hip pain but my awesome chiropractor has helped me manage that (shout out to Dr. R at Fortview Chiropractic)!
One downside of this pregnancy is I spotted a stretch mark the other day. And then the next day another one decided to come to the party. :( Luckily they are pretty small and not very noticeable, and hopefully they will stay that way. Another bummer is that I've had two allergy-related infections that require antibiotics. One was a chest infection with a bad cough that was the result of cat allergies during the holidays. That cough lasted two months and is finally gone, but now I got a whole new illness to deal with. The other is what I'm currently having to deal with now, an ear infection, after having tons of congestion the last week from allergies since all the green stuff started happily blooming all over Austin. I feel bad for my poor lil baby having to take meds, but at the other end I don't want to catch pneumonia or have my eardrum rupture which would possibly happen if I didn't take the meds.
I'm also trying to have as much fun as possible during the next few months so I don't feel like I missed out on this awesome weather. Evans and I are going boating on Saturday on Lake Travis with our good buddies. We're taking a nice big slow pontoon out and are just going to soak some rays. I got myself a nice huge maternity swimsuit top to accommodate my belly. Then, in a few weeks, we are driving down to Houston to visit some of Evans's relatives. We have to meet baby Sofia since we've never met her and she was born in September. I decided since we are traveling anyway to make a short babymoon out of the deal. So, we're going to stay at the Four Seasons and I booked us for a couples massage as well as dinner out at the Hearsay Gastro Lounge. We'll be hitting up the art festival and the museum of Natural Sciences as well. And of course, any time that we aren't doing something will be spent at the pool!! In between these awesome events we have our prenatal visits/birthing classes which are now happening every two weeks as I get closer to my due date!
Anyway, that's all that is going on for this month. Quite a lot actually!
I will leave you with a blurb on whats going on with my pregnancy this month. I got this from a hilarious website that my awesome friend Andrea pointed out to me:
This pregnancy has been pretty good to me so far. I haven't gained too much weight and I'm right on target for my goal weight gain for the most part (give or take a couple pounds). I didn't have too much nausea or other weird side effects. I have had some hip pain but my awesome chiropractor has helped me manage that (shout out to Dr. R at Fortview Chiropractic)!
One downside of this pregnancy is I spotted a stretch mark the other day. And then the next day another one decided to come to the party. :( Luckily they are pretty small and not very noticeable, and hopefully they will stay that way. Another bummer is that I've had two allergy-related infections that require antibiotics. One was a chest infection with a bad cough that was the result of cat allergies during the holidays. That cough lasted two months and is finally gone, but now I got a whole new illness to deal with. The other is what I'm currently having to deal with now, an ear infection, after having tons of congestion the last week from allergies since all the green stuff started happily blooming all over Austin. I feel bad for my poor lil baby having to take meds, but at the other end I don't want to catch pneumonia or have my eardrum rupture which would possibly happen if I didn't take the meds.
I'm also trying to have as much fun as possible during the next few months so I don't feel like I missed out on this awesome weather. Evans and I are going boating on Saturday on Lake Travis with our good buddies. We're taking a nice big slow pontoon out and are just going to soak some rays. I got myself a nice huge maternity swimsuit top to accommodate my belly. Then, in a few weeks, we are driving down to Houston to visit some of Evans's relatives. We have to meet baby Sofia since we've never met her and she was born in September. I decided since we are traveling anyway to make a short babymoon out of the deal. So, we're going to stay at the Four Seasons and I booked us for a couples massage as well as dinner out at the Hearsay Gastro Lounge. We'll be hitting up the art festival and the museum of Natural Sciences as well. And of course, any time that we aren't doing something will be spent at the pool!! In between these awesome events we have our prenatal visits/birthing classes which are now happening every two weeks as I get closer to my due date!
Anyway, that's all that is going on for this month. Quite a lot actually!
I will leave you with a blurb on whats going on with my pregnancy this month. I got this from a hilarious website that my awesome friend Andrea pointed out to me:
Seventh Month: Are we done yet? Not even close!
What’s Going On Up In There?
This month your baby is heading into the home stretch and finishing up her developmental touches. She will grow up to three feet in length from crown to rump, and of course will develop the thick layer of subdermal blubber she’ll need to insulate her those frigid winter months. Continue to eat all the clams, sea cucumbers, and cephalopods you want, mama!
Here’s Your Baby!
Guess what?
You have magically morphed from “noticeably pregnant” to “kind of freaky pregnant.” Strangers will laugh at you. Instead of taking it personally, delight in your ability to brighten their otherwise bleak existences!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Pregnancy Photos, 25.5 weeks...for your viewing pleasure!
So a lot of people have been asking me about belly photos. Many preggos take them, but I haven't really had the motivation to take any myself. This weekend I finally decided to have Evans take some belly photos since I actually look pregnant now. Most people know I can't just pose with a smiley seems unnatural to me! So here they are for your viewing pleasure:
Myspace Angle |
Guess what's in here... |
Action shot! Preggo woman opening an iron gate! Classy. |
Working preggo with a shovel |
Hey, how did this get here?? |
Jovial Santa Claus belly shot...ho ho ho |
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Poor neglected blog!
I forgot I even had you, blog! Don't worry, I'll make sure you aren't neglected anymore. :(
Well since the last time I blogged was just when I got engaged, I suppose everyone knows by now that I'm happily married and pregnant with our first baby! HE will be due on May 24th. I'll be entering my third trimester soon! I'll be keeping up this blog for news on the lil' Tucker so stay tuned...
Well since the last time I blogged was just when I got engaged, I suppose everyone knows by now that I'm happily married and pregnant with our first baby! HE will be due on May 24th. I'll be entering my third trimester soon! I'll be keeping up this blog for news on the lil' Tucker so stay tuned...
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