Monday, April 11, 2011

Never thought I'd say this, but nesting is a legit thing.

I always thought nesting, along with most other pregnancy symptoms, was made up and not a real thing. I thought maybe it was kind of psychosomatic, and that the desire that everyone say they have is really just excitement for the baby. Well, I have come to learn that this assumption is not true. It boggles my mind.

Here I am, living day to day with a lot of pain and exhaustion, and yet somehow my motivation to clean, organize and fix things around the house is extremely strong. I mean I can barely walk, get in/out of bed, get off of a chair without someone's help from all the pelvic pain I'm having. Yet, I'm somehow able to bear through the pain and tiredness to launder all of the sheets from our bed, launder sheets from guest bed, launder pillow cases on our sofa, organize the linen shelf, clean the dishes, reseal the grout in our shower, go grocery shopping, and put together my birthing bag in one day.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?! Now I'm hobbling around in MORE pain. Not to mention I did prenatal yoga this morning because I've been feeling so out of shape. I haven't exercised in a month because of all the pain I've been having and now all the sudden I have this strong urge to exercise AND clean/organize/fix things. The weird thing is I have no motivation/desire to do anything other than the things that involve my surroundings. Other tasks or things to do just stress me out and I cannot even think about doing them. But, for some reason all this "nesting" is relaxing to me and it makes me feel extremely happy! I am sooooo eager to clean the ENTIRE HOUSE and I mean scrub-the-floors-clean. I so badly want to wash all of the baby clothes but I'm holding back as much as possible because our baby shower is this weekend.

However, I need to take it down 1000 notches because seriously my body cannot handle it. I'm so exhausted from not being able to sleep at night. My lower back is killing me, my feet are killing me, I can hardly move my own legs. You should see me walking...I am SO SLOW. I waddle like a penguin. I feel like a granny!

Luckily, I have such an amazing husband who is gladly tackling all of the things on our to-do list that I cannot physically do myself (which is almost everything). I call it his honey-do list. He calls it his Slave Logbook. :) He has done two pages worth of tasks I wrote down for him involving the house and cars. He never complains and he has even picked up daily house chores like washing dishes and laundry when I am too exhausted to do it. He has taken over for me on all the favors asked of us from others in order to triage any potential stress away from me (I am normally happy to do favors for others but my growing belly/baby is hindering my ability to do them). He does all this on top of working full time and supporting us financially. I am very grateful for him and love him so so much! He is going to be a GREAT dad.


  1. Hooray for awesome husbands/dads! Jay is amazing; he has endless patience with me and our children!

    And nesting is totally real. I was scrubbing down bathtubs five hours before I gave birth to Stella. It seemed vitally important that it get done! :)

  2. Right there w/ya Sista, except I didn't regrout the shower. you're kinda hardcore over there! I finished washing all of the cothes, blankets, burping cloths, towels, sheets, etc... I'm done w/all the preparations and am feeling so ready and now am at a loss of what else I can do to keep me busy. Ack! Hang in there, you're almost there.

  3. @Gwen - How is baby Stella doing?

    @Claudia - just resealed the grout - I WANT to regrout but I think I would be insane to do that and besides I don't really know how. :)

  4. Baby Stella is doing great. She is such a sweet baby. :) Good luck to you. It's not much longer now.
