Saturday, April 2, 2011

Trying to relax...

I'm finding that little things are stressing me out lately and I need to get the stress to stop!

Last weekend Evans and I went to Houston to visit family. We stayed in a poolside room (free upgrade!) at the Four Seasons and hung out with friends and family the whole weekend. It was originally going to be our babymoon, but since we ended up socializing the whole time there was not much time for us to spend on our own. For those who don't know what a babymoon is, its like a honeymoon, but for before you have your baby.

Unfortunately, the weekend was not all fun and games. I got really stressed out on that Saturday due to the whole planning nature of the trip and trying to make sure we did the things we wanted to do in addition to spending time with our peeps. While we were at the museum I kept getting waves of nausea and dizziness. Evans put two and two together and thought I may be having painless Braxton Hicks contractions. We realized that this was in fact the case. I had to hop from one bench to another while Evans looked at the exhibits. The contractions were coming too close together. We decided to leave and on our way back to the hotel the contractions were getting painful. I ended up having mildly painful contractions for about 5 hours. They were pretty frequent too, to the point where I should have gone to the hospital but I REALLY did not want to be in a hospital in Houston. I rested at our hotel, drank lots of water, and ate some food and eventually they went away.

I called the birthing center the following Monday and explained what happened. They believe the contractions were stress related and told me to practice relaxation techniques and eat lots of protein (since I was still feeling tired and lightheaded when I stood for more than 10 minutes). I followed their advice and did my best to relax this week. I haven't had anymore contractions since Sunday and I'm not feeling lightheaded anymore, just very tired when I walk around or do anything physical. I think I can attribute that to just being pregnant, but I feel like an old lady!! I walk like one too!!

Today we had our prenatal appointment and birthing class and yet another scary thing. My blood pressure was pretty high at 140/86. I was instructed to purchase a home blood pressure monitor, along with some relaxing herbs, magnesium and calcium supplements. I now need to monitor my blood pressure every day for the next three days and report to them what it is. It was lower when I got home, so I think I just react very strongly to any sort of stressful situation, no matter how mild it is. So now my goal is to try to relax as much as possible. Stress has caused me to have high blood pressure and contractions. The baby needs to cook at least a month longer, so I have to take relaxation very seriously. I'm going to practice meditating, doing yoga, and anything else I can think of to release any stress. I can't do anything that isn't considered relaxing, and I'm going to stay at home as much as possible since that's the place I'm most comfy.

On the plus side, baby is doing really great as far as they can tell and everytime they measure me I'm told he is measuring really good, even a bit ahead of where he is supposed to be. Good baby! I have also had two friends who had babies in the last week and I'm very excited for them! It's made me realize my time is coming soon!!

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